This past week the Callaway County Republican Central Committee welcomed Sheriff Clay Chism and Prosecuting Attorney Christopher Wilson to our monthly meeting. Sheriff Chism and Prosecutor Wilson provided information regarding the work of their respective departments, as well as the need for additional resources devoted to law enforcement and public safety in Callaway County. The information was presented in light of the upcoming ballot propositions for proposed ½ cent sales taxes – Proposition 1 and Proposition 2.
The Central Committee asked questions about the needs of law enforcement, as well as the proposed ballot propositions. As fiscal conservatives, we want to make certain that the government is responsible with the people’s money and using it in a way that best serves the public good. While none of us want to pay more in taxes, all of us want to be sure that those who “protect and serve” the community have adequate resources to do so.
At the end of the presentation, a motion was made to endorse both ballot propositions. That motion passed unanimously. The Callaway County Republican Central Committee hereby announces its endorsement of both propositions.
The Committee and I would encourage all voters to educate themselves on both of these propositions before making a decision on whether to support them. Sheriff Chism and Prosecutor Wilson made clear that the bill will come due if we fail to address a criminal justice system that is quickly becoming unsustainable in our county. Whether that comes in the form of jail overcrowding resulting in the release of dangerous defendants back into the community, a citizen being seriously injured as a result of long response times due to having too few deputies on patrol, a crime victim not receiving the time and consideration their case deserves due to too few prosecutors for too many cases or a courthouse that is too small to accommodate the number of cases filed each year. In some way, the bill will come due if we do not act.
Information, including a video and the language of both ballot propositions, is available on a Facebook page – Callaway County Ballot Propositions. In addition, public forums are scheduled on the following dates:
Holts Summit on October 17, 2019, at 6:00 p.m., at the City Hall building at 213 South Summit Drive.
Fulton on October 24, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. at 54 Country, 400 Gaylord Drive.
I hope to see you at the polls on November 5th!
Thank you,
Dean Powell