Upcoming Events

The Todd Akin Common Sense Bus Tour will be in mid-Missouri:
Thursday, September 27 in Jefferson City
9:00 am – Capitol Building in the Rotunda
11:30 am – Lunch at Arris’ Pizzeria (115-117 E High St)

There is a BBQ for State Representative Jay Houghton
on Thursday, September 27 at the VFW in Vandalia.

Meet Debbie Zerr, Republican candidate for County Treasurer
Drop by for a Meet and Greet
at the home of Edwina Prinster
2406 State Road A in Auxvasse
from 9:30 to 12:00 on Saturay, September 29

There IS such a thing as a free lunch!
Come to the Fulton VFW from 12 to 3 PM on Sunday, September 30
for a fish fry and to meet local Republican candidates.

Randy Kleindienst,
Republican candidate for Eastern District Commissioner,
will have a raffle for a Savage 308 rifle with scope.
Tickets are $5.

Residents of southern Callaway County will have the opportunity
to meet their local candidates in an election forum in Holts Summit.

The Kingdom of Callaway Chamber of Commerce is hosting a
candidate forum in Holts Summit which features the 12 candidates for local office.

KRCG News anchor Dick Preston will host the forum to be held from
6:30-8:30 p.m. on Monday, October 1 at the Holts Summit Civic Center.

The forum will start with a meet and greet at 6:30 pm
followed by a brief introduction of the candidates at 7 pm.
Each group of candidates then will have two questions,
with two minutes to answer each question.
If there is time left at the end of the evening,
there also will be a question-and-answer period.

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